Women’s Self-Defense Workshop
Women’s Self-Defense - Trap & Roll!
October Gup Test
Dans showing their best!
Pumped and ready for the test!
Warming up.
High punches
Getting intense
Imagining an opponent
Every test involves flying!
White and yellow belts demonstrating their form
Some serious evaluation going on by the Testing Board
Not messing around
Dans doing their form
Getting out of a Bear Hug
What to do when someone grabs your wrist
Feeling good
Demonstrating knife-defense technique
Two-on-one wrist-grab technique
2 boards meet a head -- Master Shteynberg shows us how it's done!
Miss Shteynberg and her awesome kick!
Mr Zerries with a 2-board break!
David gets it done with a punch.
Brian and his fist.
Board, meet Angel
Bravo Carlo!
Chris doesn't even break a sweat
Ogechi was all ready for this.
Angela means business!
Stephanie gets it on the first try
Ive nails it!!
Penny power!
Go Raylene!
Levvy's first break ever.
Determination - 5th kick and Kwaben succeeds!
Angel does his thing.
Ilse does it!
Andrew too!
Go Emily!!
Aaliyah gets ready ....
Tsengun assessing the situation...
Jayden persevered.
Elisha & his kick!
Feeling accomplished!
Post-test meditation to get everyone back to their center.
A photo-op after our April Kids Gup Test!
April Adult Gup Test!
Great turnout for our women's self-defense event in partnership with UN Women LA!
A fun shot from our photoshoot for a voyagela.com feature article!
I can't tell...are they excited they got their new belts?
Saturday morning mixed classes -always a good time.
Kids Belt Ceremony - congratulations!
A proud moment
Happy faces!
Look who's coming at you.....
Sometimes begging helps get them to do the techniques correctly
No one's going to mess with him.
Form: Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung
We're serious but we also have fun!
Father/Daughter duo
How high can you kick?
Learning to fly in dance class!
Was it something I said?
Happy faces after the Adult Test!
Attempting to look mean after completing Kids Test
Debut Kids Creative Dance/Movement class
Working on those blocks!
Night class with Master Zakhar
Only pic we took of the first Annual Holiday Party
Self-defense : learning how to get out of a grab hold
Our friend Chanel visiting from Florida!
Girl Power
More promotions!
Post-Thanksgiving class to work off the turkey.
Two more 7th Gup recipients - orange belt with a stripe
The promotions continue.....
A proud moment.
Some of the kids 8th & 7th Gup recipients
More recipients....
New adult yellow and orange belts
Michael teaching Congresswoman Walters a self-defense move at an event
Some new smiling faces in our classes
Partner drills!
Orange Belt Ceremony
Another Orange Belt!
The infamous Tai Chi "teacup" move
Leadership - we encourage our students to take turns leading class!
Demonstrating hol sun sul (wrist grab)
One of our youngest students breaking a board for his Orange Belt test!
Fundraiser yoga classes on 9/11 to benefit savethechildren.org - session #1 (Yes, that is a 5 month baby eating a banana!)
Fundraiser yoga class - session #2. Tree pose!
What a good yoga class does for you during cool-down
Fundraiser yoga class- session #3. While the adults were struggling.....
Morning tai chi
Congrats to our first orange belt!